تظاهرات ضد جنگ در تورنتو
حیف که من امسال نمیتونم بروم و باید بشینم طرح رصد بنویسم و ورقه صحیح کنم و برای امتحان درس بخونم و مشق بنویسم. اما ملت همیشه در صحنه واترلو سنگرها را خالی نگذارید. بروید هرچه فریاد دارید برسر امریکا بزنید که فردا پس فردا بمب نزند توی سر ما
سیبیل هم آدرس داده که اگر در تورنتو نیستید چه طور محل تظاهرات در شهر خودتان را پیدا کنید
1:00pm - Rally
Saturday, March 17 at 1:00pm
United States Consulate
360 University Avenue TTC: (Osgoode or St. Patrick)
3:00pm - Rally Against Nuclear Weapons and the formation of a giant Peace Sign at Nathan Phillips Square
Organized by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War. stopthewar-at-sympatico.ca Humanist Movement and the Hiroshima Day Coalition
Saturday, March 17 at 1:00pm
United States Consulate
360 University Avenue TTC: (Osgoode or St. Patrick)
3:00pm - Rally Against Nuclear Weapons and the formation of a giant Peace Sign at Nathan Phillips Square
Organized by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War. stopthewar-at-sympatico.ca Humanist Movement and the Hiroshima Day Coalition
On the 4th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq
We demand the end of the wars of occupation
in Iraq and Afghanistan!
On 10 January 2007, George W. Bush announced that the US
would send 21,500 more troops to Iraq. A few weeks earlier,
Stephen Harper called for more NATO troops in Afghanistan. This
is the same dead-end recipe to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of the
Iraqi and Afghan people! The Canadian Peace Alliance and
Collectif Échec à la guerre reject these war policies and call on the
people of Quebec and Canada to participate in a Canada-wide day
of action, on March 17th, against the wars of occupation in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
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